1.My mother headed off with my other sister and me to take shelter with her brother Allen, poor relatives dependent on his goodness.
2.Every morning we would make a start after our bread and milk, and before sunset take shelter for the night in the next staging bungalow.
3." The other replied, " Yes, I was given lunch by the supporter of this monastery. He also invited me to take shelter here.
4.Keep an eye on the weather and be prepared to take shelter immediately if conditions worsen.
5.The Biblical subtext of the story is accentuated with a scene where they take shelter in a church, sleeping below a cross.
6.Residents of the island had been warned by loudspeakers to take shelter in bunkers beginning Tuesday morning.
7.Do not jump from a building, take shelter to the toilet, desk, chair, etc. place a small but solid.
8.Each year, following in your footsteps, I come to take shelter of this holy dhama, and in time I return to my preaching in the West.
9.You simply can't take shelter in a place like this.
10.We want to make this into a community where inpiduals can take shelter and receive healing.